Endzē’ Duda Adih
Artist in Residence
5 week paid residency for artists to work in Tahltan Territory.
The Endzē’ Duda Adih Artist in Residency is a 2-5 week cultural program hosted by Dease Lake School. Every year a new Tahltan artist is chosen to share their knowledge and skills with youth in Tahltan Schools (Dease Lake, Tahltan and Klappan).
Invited artists:
Expose the students to diverse art practices and careers
Provide skill-building opportunities in many mediums
Encourage cultural representation through the arts
Help to revitalize Tahltan culture and thinking
The Endzē’ Duda Adih Artist-in-Residence (AiR) is provided with a studio at Dease Lake school for 2- 5 weeks. During their time in Tahltan Territory they work with K-12, providing workshops and presentations that enrich the school curriculum. The AiR is accessible for demonstrations, critiques of students’ work, special programming, lessons and workshops throughout their time in Tahltan territory.
The AiR is assisted and supported by the TWILD Endzē’ Duda Adih administration team to coordinate travel, accommodations and supplies; liaison with the artist and school staff and community; co-teach workshops, help develop art projects, and presentations; coordinate Klappan (Iskut) and Tahltan (Telegraph Creek) school visits.
There is an option for the artist to create a legacy project for the school and/or community in the form of an artwork, performance regalia, program, or anything imaginable to sustain the program and beautify our community.
How to Apply
Please email our team with following information to be considered for the position:
Experience teaching (includes workshops), if any
Workshop ideas (propose 3 grade appropriate projects, K-4, 5-7, 8-12 or 1 workshop that can be adapted to suite all grade levels)
Description or link to media and/or portfolio (attach media directly to email, if applicable)
Include recent Resume/CV